The Infamous Cobra
In The Infamous CobraThursday, August 20, 2009
Although several other species are more deadly, the cobra has the worst reputation of any venomous snake. This is partly because of its large size and fearsome appearance, but mainly because it comes in constant contact with people crowded Asiatic countries where few have shoes. As a result, it takes about 10, 000 lives a year in India alone.
Completely Inside
In Completely Inside
With Jaws at Maximum Gape
In With Jaws at Maximum GapeA Super Swallower
In A Super Swallower
The Devices of Snakes for Subduing Food
In The Devices of Snakes for Subduing Food
In Nyctosaurus
A flying reptile, had greatly elongated fourth – finger bones to support its seven –foot – wide membranous wings, and was better adapted to soaring than flapping flight. Although most of its bones were hollow and birdlike, Nyclosaurus was neither a bird nor a bird ancestor. In fact, it was competition that probably pushed Nyctosaurus and other flying reptiles to their long glide to extinction during the Cretaceous, some 70 million years ago.
In Walrus
In Gavial
In Ostrich
In Archaeopteryx
In Pterosaur
A Rare, Two – Legged Lizard
In A Rare, In Two – Legged Lizard
A Legless Lizard
In A Legless Lizard
Moloch Horridus
In Moloch Horridus
The Dexterous Lizards
In The Dexterous Lizards
The Hulking Crocodilians
In The Hulking Crocodilians
The crocodilians – the heavily armored crocodiles, alligators and gavials – are the largest of the modern reptiles and the last surviving reptilian descendants of the stock that also produced the dinosaurs. Although somewhat clumsy out of water, they are superbly equipped for living in it. They are strong swimmers, and experts at drifting along on the surface, submerged except for their bulging eyes and nostrils, their long flat jaws not even making a ripple in the water as they stalk turtles, swimming birds and fishes. The larger crocodiles can sometimes get close enough to animals on shore to sweep them – and humans – into deep water with their tails. Crocodilians have valves in their mouths lack lips and thus do not shut completely; two palatal flaps cover gullet and windpipe during dives.
The Venerable Reptiles
In The Venerable ReptilesA Giant Scavenger
In A Giant Scavenger
The Agile Snakes
In The Agile SnakesSaturday, August 15, 2009

The Spineless Soft – Shelled Turtle
In The Spineless Soft – Shelled TurtleThursday, August 13, 2009
Largest Crocodilian
In Largest CrocodilianMonday, August 10, 2009

The largest reptile in the world is the estuarine or crocodile (Crocodylus porosus),
Which rangers throughout the tropical regions of Asia and the Pacific. The Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sancturary in Orissa State, India, houses four protected estuarine crocodiles measuring more than 6 m (19 ft 8 in) in length, the largest being over 7 m (23 ft) long. There are several unauthenticated reports of specimens up to 10 m (33 ft) in length. Adult males typically measure 4.2 – 4.8 m (14 – 16 ft) in length and scale about 408 – 520 kg (900 – 1, 150 lb).
Most Venomous Land Snake
In Most Venomous Land SnakeSunday, August 9, 2009

Longest Venomous Snake
In Longest Venomous Snake
Smallest Chelonian
In Smallest Chelonian
Longest Fangs
In Longest Fangs
Smallest Lizard
In Smallest Lizard
The Most Dangerous Lizard
In The Most Dangerous Lizard
Longest Lizard